St. Louis SPJ is delighted to be a cosponsor of the JAWS mixer that was to take place on Feb. 13. It has now been rescheduled thanks to the snow falling on our heads, but we want to get the word out for all women journalists that this opportunity is coming to St. Louis! JAWS…
SPJ Region 7 Conference!
Join the St. Louis Society of Professional Journalists and our colleagues from across Region 7 for a day of networking, learning and celebrating the accomplishments of our students! Look for panels on First Amendment programming, diversity in your newsroom, practical applications of ethics, covering law enforcement in the post-Ferguson era, the new world of A.I.,…
Reporting live from Las Vegas
by St. Louis Pro President Elizabeth Donald Never let me be accused of burying the lead: I received this honor at the opening business meeting for the Society of Professional Journalists national conference here in Las Vegas today. In addition to this recognition of our advocacy for the First Amendment, we were also finalist for…
Roaring success for demolishing the First Amendment!
The 10th annual First Amendment Free* Food Festival enjoyed sunny skies and lots of people willing to give up free speech for free pizza on Monday. Organizer Tammy Merrett confirmed that The Kingdom of the Socialist States of the People’s Republic of Mass Communica ran out of pizza at a record-early hour and 15 minutes,…
Fall Happy Hour Sept. 27!
Join St. Louis SPJ for a relaxed happy hour at International Tap House on the Loop! Feel free to bring a snack to share; everyone is on their own for the drinks. Forgot to bring a snack? Don’t worry, we always have plenty! And bring some colleagues from the newsroom – you do not have…
Trivia Night was a hit!
The return of Trivia Night was a blast for everyone! We had a terrific time playing games and challenging ourselves on trivia. We are so happy to see our friends and colleagues after such a long hiatus, and so grateful for their support! SPJ chapter president Elizabeth Donald served as emcee, which was her first…
You weren’t using those First Amendment rights, were you?
Monday kicked off Mass Comm Week at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville with the First Amendment Free* Food Festival, co-sponsored by St. Louis SPJ with The Alestle, which is SIUE’s campus newspaper. During the fest, people are offered the chance to temporarily sign away their First Amendment rights to get free pizza and soda. We all…
Regional conference returns!
The SPJ Region 7 conference is once again a physical world event! This year’s conference, titled Passionate Journalism, is designed to help all of us rediscover the passion that brought us to journalism in the first place! Something most of us have struggled to stay in touch with over the last couple of years! We…
Google Tools workshop tonight!
It’s not too late! Join us tonight at 6 p.m. CST for a FREE Google Tools training webinar, funded by the national Society of Professional Journalists and Google News Initiative. Click here to register! If you don’t have/didn’t receive the email with the link and passcode, please email us at as soon as possible.08
Happy holidays, with beer!
We had a delightful time at this year’s SPJ Holiday Happy Hour, this time at the new iTap on Delmar! The vote was unanimous: we love it, and will be back for future happy hours. And they’re coming back! Crossing our fingers against the virus, we are planning to resume our quarterly happy hours in…