This page will be updated throughout the month! Good luck! • The Webster-Kirkwood Times seeks freelance reporters to cover city government meetings and feature stories. Send resume and at least three published clips to Editor-in-Chief Jaime Mowers at • The Edwardsville Intelligencer is seeking a full-time digital reporter (full listing). Bachelor’s degree and…
May Job Listings!
Here are some of the local and local-ish media jobs currently available! Good luck! INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine is seeking a full-time staff writer, fully remote, with a bachelor’s degree and a minimum of two years’ experience (Full listing). They’re also seeking a magazine production coordinator (full listing). SPJ is seeking a part-time administrative assistant,…
Trivia Night was a hit!
The return of Trivia Night was a blast for everyone! We had a terrific time playing games and challenging ourselves on trivia. We are so happy to see our friends and colleagues after such a long hiatus, and so grateful for their support! SPJ chapter president Elizabeth Donald served as emcee, which was her first…
You weren’t using those First Amendment rights, were you?
Monday kicked off Mass Comm Week at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville with the First Amendment Free* Food Festival, co-sponsored by St. Louis SPJ with The Alestle, which is SIUE’s campus newspaper. During the fest, people are offered the chance to temporarily sign away their First Amendment rights to get free pizza and soda. We all…
Spring happy hour at iTap
We were delighted to gab with our fellow journalists this Thursday for our Spring Happy Hour! It was great to see smiling faces once again as we enjoyed the offerings of the International Tap House on Delmar, our newest haunt. Thanks to everyone who came to chat, catch up, meet new journos and, as always,…
Regional conference returns!
The SPJ Region 7 conference is once again a physical world event! This year’s conference, titled Passionate Journalism, is designed to help all of us rediscover the passion that brought us to journalism in the first place! Something most of us have struggled to stay in touch with over the last couple of years! We…
Google Tools workshop tonight!
It’s not too late! Join us tonight at 6 p.m. CST for a FREE Google Tools training webinar, funded by the national Society of Professional Journalists and Google News Initiative. Click here to register! If you don’t have/didn’t receive the email with the link and passcode, please email us at as soon as possible.08
Workshop for high school and college journalists of color
From our friends at the Greater St. Louis Association of Black Journalists: St. Louis-area high school and early college students are invited to apply to attend the 2022 GSLABJ Minority Journalism Workshop, a free program to provide skills training and networking resources for high school sophomores, juniors and seniors and first- and second-year college students.…
Happy holidays, with beer!
We had a delightful time at this year’s SPJ Holiday Happy Hour, this time at the new iTap on Delmar! The vote was unanimous: we love it, and will be back for future happy hours. And they’re coming back! Crossing our fingers against the virus, we are planning to resume our quarterly happy hours in…
Holiday Happy Hour returns!
We’re back! And in a new location! iTap has a new spot on Delmar, and we are looking forward to exploring it. Come join us for our holiday happy hour and celebrate surviving the apocalypse together! As always, partners and non-members are welcome (though we’re always happy if you decide to join). Bring food to…