Election season! (No, not that one.)

It’s almost time to vote for your SPJ leaders again, and this time it will all be online.

In the last business session at the SPJ national conference, the delegates narrowly voted to abolish the delegate system and go to one member, one vote for all SPJ business. That means you’ll need to log into the system and make sure your membership is up to date in order to have a voice in who runs the organization and what our priorities should be.

Check out SPJ’s Election Central for information on candidates, proposals and how to confirm your eligibility to vote. When you’re doing so, don’t forget to select St. Louis Pro as your home chapter! We do love having you as part of our family. 

You can also get to know the candidates running for the Board of Directors and Regional Coordinator positions! Two SPJ candidate forums will be held this evening and tomorrow afternoon via Zoom.

All SPJ members in good standing can cast their vote via an online voting system. Voting will open at 12:01 a.m. EDT on Friday, Sept. 27, and close at noon EDT on Monday, Sept. 30. All SPJ members eligible to vote will receive their ballot electronically through simplyvoting.com. An email with instructions and log-in information will be sent to all individuals who have valid email addresses on file. 

If you have any problems or concerns, you probably want to contact SPJ first! But you should also notify St. Louis Pro president Elizabeth Donald at stlouisspj@gmail.com, and we’ll do what we can to help. 

Happy voting!